On September 22, 2016, the Skansen Hotel at the open-air Museum of the Mazovian Countryside in Sierpc (Muzeum Wsi Mazowieckiej w Sierpcu) hosted the 10th grand gala of the "Willow: Mazovian Museum Events" („Mazowieckie Zdarzenia Muzealne – Wierzba”).
The Casimir Pulaski Muzeum was awarded the first prize in the "Best Exhibition of 2015 (small museums)" category for its exhibition "Warka – a place touched by history."
The competition has been organized for ten years by the Mazovian Province Marshal's Office in cooperation with the Mazovian Branch of the Polish Museum Staffer Association (Stowarzyszenie Muzealnikow Polskich). The jubilee edition included 91 museum projects from the entire province, and the jury comprised of museum specialists and authority figures. Five categories were considered: the best exhibition (involving big and small museums respectively), educational project, open project, and museum publication.
Mazovian Province Marshal Adam Struzik handed the Willow statuette to Museum Director Iwona Stefaniak and Museum staffers, accompanied by Warka Deputy Mayor Teresa Knyzio, representing the local government who was the exhibition's biggest sponsor as well as exhibition designers and producers.
The jubilee gala speakers reminded the audience about the history of the competition and persons involved in its organization. The jury, who has volunteered their time to judge the competition for the last ten years, received special certificates of achievement. Among them was Museum Director Iwona Stefaniak, who was a juror from 2013 to 2015.
The list of guest speakers included Mazovian Province Marshal Adam Struzik; The National Institute for Museums and Public Collections (Narodowy Instytut Muzealnictwa i Ochrony Zbiorow) Director Prof. Piotr Majewski; and Head of the Mazovian Branch of the Polish Museum Staffer Association (Stowarzyszenie Muzealnikow Polskich) Halina Czubaszek.
To commemorate this joyous anniversary, the competition organizers prepared an album, which was distributed among all museums. The grand gala ended with a concert by Singin' Birds.
We would like to thank the Mazovian Province Marshal's Office, the Mazovian Branch of the Polish Museum Staffer Association, and the jury for the honor of being among the awarded institutions, high marks, and time and effort put into organizing the competition. Furthermore, we would like to thank the Culture, Promotion and Tourism Department at the Mazovian Province Marshal's Office for facilitating the competition and organizing the grand gala.
Our exhibition "Warka – a place touched by history" is a grand success of not only our museum staff, but also a great number of individuals who worked on making the exhibition happen. Among them are exhibition designers: Ewa Swider-Grobelna and her staff as well as exhibition producers.
We thank Warka town and municipality authorities for their financial contributions. Many donors financed the exhibition. We thank the Polish Ministry of Culture and National Heritage for their targeted subsidy, and the Grojec district authorities and our sponsors Warka Brewery – Grupa Zywiec SA, Prima Sp. z o.o., and Warwin SA for their contributions.
Inf. muzeum
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The exhibition was financed by:
Minister of Culture and National Heritage
Citi and Community of WARKA
County of Grójecki
Museum of Casimir Pulaski in Warka
Żywiec SA Group – WARKA Brewery
Prima Sp. z o.o.
Warwin SA
The creators of the exhibition "Warka – the town touched with history"
Curator / Iwona Stefaniak
The scenario of the exhibition, the development of substantive / Iwona Stefaniak, Karol Kucharski
Cooperation / Ewa Bajoryńska, Janusz Kreczmański, Bartłomiej Kuna
Care substantive, consultations, proofreading / dr Remigiusz Matyjas
Translation / Joanna Łukasiak Hołych, Jacek Hołysz
Correction of English texts / Peter Obst
The exhibition project / ARWENA – Ewa Świder-Grobelna, Nela Mikołajewicz, Anna Pałgan
Supervision / Ewa Świder-Grobelna
GLIP Sp. z o.o. – Multimedia Presentation Production
PROMEDIO Michal Bednarski – Multimedia Equipment Supply, Installation, and Configuration
Extend Vision Sp. z o.o. – Decorations and Structural Elements
At the exhibition was used artifacts and materials from the collections of:
Museum of Casimir Pulaski in Warka
National Museum in Kraków
National Museum in Wrocław
National Museum in Warsaw
National Library in Warsaw
National Film Archive in Warsaw
Central Archives of Historical Records in Warsaw
National Library in Berlin
Mazovian Museum in Plock
Municipal and Communal Public Library in Warka
The Municipal Institution of Culture "Dworek na Długiej" in Warka
Parish. St. Nicholas Bishop in Warka
Parish. Our Lady of the Scapular in Warka
WARKA Brewery
PTTK branch of them. W. Krawczyk in Warka
Schools from the community Warka
Mirosława Bieniasa, Katarzyny Cieplak, Jana Dygi, Piotra Gawrońskiego, Elżbiety Grzelewskiej, Władysława Gwardysa, Andrzeja Guta, Antoniego Konowrockiego, Hanny Kowalskiej, Wiesława Knyzia, Edwarda Kozłowskiego, Władysława Kozłowskiego, Tadeusza Kulawika, Doroty Lenarczyk, Barbary Luks, Jadwigi Martyniak, Ewy Pawelczyk, Matyldy Regulskiej, Aldony Rzeźnik, Bożeny i Tadeusz Rosłoniów, Daniela Sukniewicza, Konrada Tokarzewskiego, Karola Tudreja, Piotra Wojsy, Wiesławy Zielonki.
Waldemar Tereszkiewicz,
Janusz Kreczmański, Igor Dziedzicki, Witold Batte,
Waldemar Dąbrówka, Bartłomiej Kuna, Konrad Sękowski, Andrzej Zaręba
Krzesimir Dębski - Polonez husarii, Atak Kozaków
Witold Grzelewski – Tango Warka
Kuba Szydło - the sounds of war
They gave interviews to the movies
Wiesław Buczkowski
Marta Celary
Antoni Grzelewski
Edward Kozłowski
Władysław Kozłowski
Władysław Gwardys
Consultations substantive regarding medieval swords
dr Jarosław Ościłowski
Roman Postek - Armory Museum in Liw
Sincere thanks go to the creators of the concert "My city":
Moderato Municipal Orchestra under the direction of tamburmajorki Anny Kacprzyk
Bogdan Sabała, Kuba Szydło, Wojciech Koc, Maciej Zapart, Marek Wawro, Sławomir Klimczuk, Martyna, Sylwia i Damian Sabałowie, Stefan Posoch, Irena i Jacek Domańscy, Aldona Rzeźnik, Beata Ragan, Monika Wojciechowska, Zosia Wojciechowska, Kuba Domański, Michał Rzeźnik, Dariusz Rączka, chór dziecięcy ze Szkoły Podstawowej Nr 2 pod dyrekcją Marka Borowskiego, dźwiękiem opiekował się Artur Drabik.
For the presentation uses photographs from the collections of Jacka Matlakowskiego i Waldemara Tereszkiewicza
Written and directed concert
Anna i Leszek Owczarczykowie, Bogdan Sabała
Leszek Owczarczyk