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- Category: Konferencje, wykłady
On June 27 through 28, 2017, the Casimir Pulaski Museum in Warka hosted a Polish-American research conference entitled POLES in AMERICA. The event was organized by W.A.R.K.A. Association and the Casimir Pulaski Museum in Warka to commemorate the Museum's 50th anniversary.
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- Category: Konferencje, wykłady
The Casimir Pulaski Museum would like to cordially invite speakers from Poland and the United States to give a presentation during our conference “POLES in AMERICA. Polish-American Research Conference on the 50th anniversary of The Casimir Pulaski Museum in Warka” (POLACY w Ameryce. Polsko-amerykanska konferencja naukowa z okazji 50-lecia Muzeum im. Kazimierza Pulaskiego w Warce) to be held on June 27 and 28, 2017.
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- Category: Konferencje, wykłady
On December 19, 2016, the Polish Senate hosted a conference entitled "Great Artist Ignacy Jan Paderewski," organized by the Deputy Speaker of the Senate Maria Koc and the Head of the Commission on Emigration and Communication with Polish Expatriates, Senator Janina Sagatowska.
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- Category: Konferencje, wykłady
On October 26, 2016, the Knight's High Road Hotel (Gosciniec Rycerski) in the Masurian Paprotki hosted the "Poles in Foreign Armed and Police Forces" conference and exhibition.
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- Category: Conferences, lectures
{article 140. rocznica urodzin poetki Marii Komornickiej}[introtext] [readmore:czytaj więcej...]{/article}
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- Category: Conferences, lectures
W dniach 6-7 października 2015 roku w Radomiu i Warce odbędzie się międzynarodowa konferencja naukowa „Kazimierz Pułaski i jego czasy w historii, literaturze, kulturze.